
Southern Regional Composition Conference 2017

  In Crip Theory: Cultural Signs of Queerness and Disability, Robert McRuer asks writing instructors to imagine what exists beyond standard academic writing, to make space for non-normative bodies, and to value different embodied ways of learning and composing. In many ways, composition pedagogies already push the bounds of “normal” writing through the valuing of multiple…… Continue reading Southern Regional Composition Conference 2017


Are Your Courses Accessible?

Originally posted on Teaching Matters @ UCA:
Courses can be inaccessible to students because of disabilities, but sometimes they’re inaccessible for less obvious reasons. Disabled students don’t always seek accommodations from the Disability Resource Center (DRC), and sometimes the accommodation requests that we receive aren’t applicable to the curriculum. For example, providing students with extra time…



How is Universal Design invoked on college websites, in composition programs and classrooms, and in conversations with students? This year at CCCC, Jay Dolmage, Dale Katherine Ireland, and I are presenting on the panel E.16 “Risks and Rhetorics of Universal Design.” Full-text copies of our talks can be accessed here, which I have listed in order…… Continue reading #4c15


Reflections 2014: Engaging the Possibilities of Disability Studies

My previous post reminded me to share the super exciting table of contents for the Fall 2014 special issue of Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning that I’ve been working on since last spring. It should be ready for print next month, and the content is so so good. Check it out! (Note:…… Continue reading Reflections 2014: Engaging the Possibilities of Disability Studies


#cwcon: Accessible Tools, Accessible Methods

This is the 4-minute spiel I’m giving at #cwcon (today! G.9), part of a roundtable titled “Everyday Methods: Tools of the Digital Scholar.” *** What tools are available, and what practical and theoretical concerns might inform our assessment or adoption of such tools? My everyday tools are so commonplace that they hedge on the mundane: Twitter, Google…… Continue reading #cwcon: Accessible Tools, Accessible Methods



This is the presentation I’m giving at C’s this year (today! B.30), part of a larger panel titled “Critical Disability Pedagogies: Hacking the Curriculum, Rewriting Spaces.” *** “Dis/Ability as Inquiry: Hacking the Fixed Curriculum” Although there are benefits to a shared, fixed curriculum, it can sometimes butt heads with the values and needs of the…… Continue reading #4c14

CCR 611: Comp Histories/Theories

Rhetoric at the Margins: Revising the History of Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1873-1947

In the preface to his book, Gold offers some context for his site selection and the arguments he plans to develop. The purpose of his book is to examine rhetorical education at three historically neglected institutions: Wiley College (a private HBCU), Texas Woman’s University (a public all-women’s college), and East Texas Normal school (an independent…… Continue reading Rhetoric at the Margins: Revising the History of Writing Instruction in American Colleges, 1873-1947


#cwcon 2013

Below is a full-text copy of my presentation for Computers & Writing this year, titled, “Composing Disability: The Circulation of Inspirational and Counter-Representational Memes.” *** Discussions of disability and computers and writing often focus on issues of access: accessible web design, assistive technologies, accommodation. Less frequently do these discussions attend to the use, or composing…… Continue reading #cwcon 2013


A Geopolitics of Academic Writing

This is a long one, but Canagarajah is so worth it. *** Canagarajah begins A Geopolitics of Academic Writing with, appropriately, a section called “The Problem.” Specifically, he discusses the imperialism in legitimating the construction of knowledge; that is, how we (as Americans and as members of the center) only accept things as true and fact…… Continue reading A Geopolitics of Academic Writing